Patchable Properties
Are these like updates?
Some endpoints allow patching. Below you can find which of the endpoints allow it and which property is allowed to be patched.
Order Endpoint
Property Name | Property Type |
Paid | Boolean |
PaidDate | DateTime |
IsSent | Boolean |
ApprovalStatus | Types |
AccountCode | String |
InternalInfo | String |
Invoiced | Boolean |
AccountantVerificationNeeded | Boolean |
Party Endpoint
Property Name | Property Type |
GLAccountCode | String |
GLDefaultExpiryOffset | String |
Nr | String |
String | |
ExternalProviderTC | String |
ExternalProviderID | String |
Name | String |
CommercialName | String |
ContactFirstName | String |
ContactLastName | String |
CountryCode | String (ISO CODE) |
City | String |
Street | String |
StreetNumber | String |
Zipcode | String |
Box | String |
Phone | String |
Mobile | String |
Fax | String |
VATNumber | String |
IBAN | String |
Language | String |
VATLiable | Boolean |
Updated about 2 years ago