
The Party Endpoints

These endpoints allow you to Create, Get or Patch (Update) parties in a company.
Party Types

  • The Party endpoints allow the use of party types, this makes it easy to split and organize different parties. Party Types


With our API you can create Customers, Supplier or use them in other Body requests. Just take a look at our different endpoints below.

Below we provide you with the most useful values that you might want to fill in.

CommercialNamestringThe name of the company
VATNumberstringThe registered VAT number
PartyTypeStringThe type of party Types
AddressesAddresses objectThe Invoice and or delivery address
IdentifiersIdentifier ObjectOther official identifiers Identifiers
  "CommercialName": "string",
  "VATNumber": "string",
  "PartyType": "Customer/Supplier",
  "Addresses": [
      "AddressType": "string",
      "Tav": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "Street": "string",
      "StreetNumber": "string",
      "Box": "string",
      "Zipcode": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string",
      "Phone": "string"
   "Identifiers": [
      "IdentifierType": "string",
      "Identifier": "string"


  • When using the Party endpoints you might have to use something different then a normal Vat number. This is why we allow you to store different Identifiers on the Party object. These will be used when having to send an E-Invoice.
    Allowed Identifiers


  • There are 2 ways of providing addresses for a Party.
  1. Just by adding it in the body provided variables
  2. By creating the address array using the Address Types

You will have both options when executing a GET on this endpoint

"Addresses": [
      "AddressType": "string",
      "Tav": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "Street": "string",
      "StreetNumber": "string",
      "Box": "string",
      "Zipcode": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string",
      "Phone": "string"