API QuickStart
Faster than light?
Welcome to the Billit API QuickStart Guide! This guide provides you with simple examples to get you up and running with our API. Whether you're using Postman, curl, or any other API testing tool, these examples will help you make your first API calls.
before you start, make sure you have:
- A Billit sandbox Account. Any license can be taken, no invoice will be sent!
- The generated API key (found under your profile in the Billit application)
- The base URL used for all API calls: "https://api.sandbox.billit.be"
- Installed Postman or a similar tool for making API request
For this quick start walkthrough the API key authentication will be used. This to have fast results!
The Scope
This walkthrough will guide you through creating your first invoice in the application up to fully syncing e-invoice statuses, Implementing Idempotency and retrieving the original files created by the e-invoice access point for offline storage.
Billit API QuickStart Postman Collection
The postman collection used for this quickstart session can be found at the link below. A small setup is required to use all examples out of the box.
Postman Setup
- Navigate to the Collection
- Insert the API key from the sandbox account. Navigate to variables and fill in API key.

Provide the API key of your sandbox account
- Setup the variables for the account

Fill in the partyID and or contextPartyID with the idea from the company
Updated 8 months ago