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Add orderlines to existing order


Is it possible to update / patch an order and supply it with additional orderlines?

The usecase is the following:

I create an order with 1 orderline. Each time the customer creates a certain product I want to add this product to the existing order.

I've tried doing this via the patch method of the orders endpoint, but I get an exception.

My used url: https://api.sandbox.billit.be/v1/orders/628700 (HTTP METHOD PATCH)

My used JSON:

"OrderLines" : [
"Quantity" : 1,
"UnitPriceExcl" : 30,
"Description" : "Some description of the product",
"VATPercentage" : 21.0

I get this response:

"errors": [
"Code": "GenericError",
"Description": "No valid properties or values were supplied. A common mistake is to use "true" instead of true (without quotation marks)"